The wealth corner is the part of your home/business that is the energetic center for financial wealth. It relates to money and blessings of all kinds and from all sources. It has everything to do with prosperity and finances, but it’s also reflective of all forms of abundance and about having gratitude and appreciation for what’s already in your life.
To locate your Wealth Corner, you can use the Feng Shui bagua map. This map is used to identify energy centers in your home that are related to each part of your life. Money and finances are just one area on the map, but it will be my topic for the next few weeks:)
The energy of the wealth corner is all about multiplying and magnifying. So whatever is going on in that part of your home is being amplified in many ways. Once you use the bagua map to locate your Wealth Corner, you’re able to tell a lot about what’s going on currently in your financial life just by noticing the current state of that corner.
And, if your financial life could use a boost, you can call energy to, and enhance the wealth corner to help. By activating and enhancing the wealth corner, you’re able to elevate your wealth and financial status, upgrade your living standards, and create luck and blessings for your future!
Sounds good, right?! Then let’s go!
To find the wealth corner of your home:
> sketch out the layout of your home, including everything under the attached roofline of the house. (Yes, attached garages, additions, and even screened-in rooms count if they are attached by the roof.)
> draw the bagua map (basically a tic-tac-toe board) over the layout – you can ‘stretch’ the map in either direction so it covers the entire roofline.
> the front of the map (noted by the work/career area) will align with the front of your house
> the back-left corner of your house will be the wealth corner
> see the image for an example
> if it’s easier for you, you can also use your minds-eye, and think about what’s in the back-left corner of your house as oriented from the front door.
If your house is square or rectangle, you’re in a good position, because you’ll have a solid foundation for all 9 of the life areas. But if you have an odd-shaped house, it means that you’ll be missing some of the areas of the bagua. (In the example shown, this homeowner is missing the work and wisdom areas, and missing part of the family connections and health areas.)
If you’re missing the wealth area, it can explain any financial struggles you’ve faced, and can hinder your future financial well-being. Don’t worry, Feng Shui can still help! I’ll do a separate post on correcting for missing areas next!
Now it’s your turn:
>> Go find your wealth corner(s) and check out what’s going on there. Notice where/what room your wealth corner falls in. Notice what’s going on in that room and how that space feels.
>> The bagua map can be applied to any space — so you can locate a wealth corner of your property, of your home, of individual rooms within your home, and even of your business location too. See if you can identify any recurring patterns in each of them!
>> Check out this video for more on locating your wealth corner.

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