by Kerri Miller | Apr 25, 2021 | Blog
Here’s one big thing Feng Shui has taught me: You don’t have to just look within to muster the energy, strength and courage to try something new. There are beneficial energies all around you that can support you. Harness them! Draw them towards you! Tap into them!...
by Kerri Miller | Apr 12, 2021 | Blog
Like attracts like. In that respect I end up working with lots of female entrepreneurs in my Feng Shui practice. Ladies, we are amazing at holding tons of information and details in our heads! But also … our shoulders are weighted with all the hats we’re wearing...
by Kerri Miller | Apr 6, 2021 | Blog
Have you ever felt like an imposter! Like, “who am I to call myself an expert in this thing?!” If so, then listen in! There are things in your surroundings that could be keeping you in that space of self-doubt: In my Feng Shui practice, I’ve seen BOOKS be a...
by Kerri Miller | Feb 8, 2021 | Blog
Did you know that there are architectural features in your home that can energetically undermine you? These features can alter energy flow so it unsettles you, holds you back, or throws you off your game. It may not be you, your lack of ability, your lack of clarity,...
by Kerri Miller | Feb 1, 2021 | Blog
Over the last few weeks I’ve been connecting with other female business owners to do some market research for something new I’m creating. I put a simple call-out to talk with WIB who felt blocked, and several women raised their hand. I left the definition of “blocked”...
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